Writers of fiction, poetry, lyrics, screenplays and life stories come from diverse backgrounds. For the past three years a small group has met weekly to write together, offering criticism and support to whoever stopped by. Over 200 different people have dropped by; we learned something from each one of them. Most of the people who found us had already written for years- some even published.

If this is something that interests you, join us! We meet every Wednesday, from 9 AM - 10:30 at the Jesus Center on Park Avenue.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Spent the day with Lonely again;
Lonely thinks she’s my best friend.
I guess sometimes she’s not so bad—
I know at times she’s all I had.
Lonely reminds me that I am alive,
a person with faults and feelings inside.
She asks me the questions I can’t ask myself;
She pulls out the memories I’ve set on life’s shelf.
Lonely says she’s good for me—
with her by my side, I know that I’m free.
But her company rarely ever feels right,
not once has she kept me warm at night.
Lonely’s been known to make me cry—
she never would spare my feelings with lies.
Lonely believes she’s the best thing I’ve got.
I guess that’s why she shows up a lot.
Lately it seems she’s always around.
Why bother hiding? I know I’ll be found.
And so we just sit here, Lonely and me,
discussing the past and what’s yet to be.
Lonely is sure our friendship will grow
if I can just learn to be on my own.

Sheena Jessee

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