Writers of fiction, poetry, lyrics, screenplays and life stories come from diverse backgrounds. For the past three years a small group has met weekly to write together, offering criticism and support to whoever stopped by. Over 200 different people have dropped by; we learned something from each one of them. Most of the people who found us had already written for years- some even published.

If this is something that interests you, join us! We meet every Wednesday, from 9 AM - 10:30 at the Jesus Center on Park Avenue.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

The War on Terror is an Error

          If I were a terrorist
                    I wouldn’t fool ‘round

          With improvised bombs
                   Out on the ground

          I’d drop them from planes
                   Just like the pros

          And if there’s a crowd
                   I’d send in the drones

          If I were a terrorist
                   I’d read all the mail

          I’d hear all the phone calls
                   So I won’t fail

          To find all the bad guys
                   And make sure they pay

          For having the nerve
                   To ruin my day

          If I were a terrorist
I’d kill all the Jews

          The Moslems and Christians
                   Maybe the Druze

Pagans and Skeptics
                   Will fall in the dust

          The voice of my God
                   Tells me I must

          If I were a terrorist
                   I’d shoot from the hip

          I’d do it in style
                   Make killing look slick

          I’d ban all the books
                   That say murder is sin

          With teachings like that
                   I’d never fit in

          I am not a terrorist
                   And I hope you agree

          That violence is vicious
                   Not for the Free

          Killing is killing
                   No matter the cause

          It can’t be excused
                   It won’t change the Laws