Writers of fiction, poetry, lyrics, screenplays and life stories come from diverse backgrounds. For the past three years a small group has met weekly to write together, offering criticism and support to whoever stopped by. Over 200 different people have dropped by; we learned something from each one of them. Most of the people who found us had already written for years- some even published.

If this is something that interests you, join us! We meet every Wednesday, from 9 AM - 10:30 at the Jesus Center on Park Avenue.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Humor Is Paramount

To me the word  "silly" translates as "stupid."
All the silly things we do to try to gain recognition, or approval , or status.
The silly aspect of courtship immediately races to the forefront.
Man gives woman things like cold, dead rocks, smelly vegetation, fattening foods, and toxic potions.  She falls for these things
and gives man her warm, vibrant body!
Humor is Paramount!

Michael Dean Long

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tales out of School

Hank van der Putte, a 50ish typical, tropical, tramp (TTT) from Holland talked me into visiting a whorehouse in the Orinoco area of Venezuela. He reasoned that as a sheltered, 22-year old, Peace Corps volunteer, I needed to see how my counterparts lived. Part-time work in a small university library left me much free time, so I had reluctantly agreed to teach an English class at the high school. I had met the students- once- they were testing me- and I had no idea what I was doing! 

I was just learning to drive, but had no license. We did know enough to not borrow the P.C. jeep for it was recognizable all over town, practically new and a bright aqua. Late one afternoon we set off in Hank's car, bumping off-road, through scrub-land and  a few dry creek beds until we reached a house miles out of town.

Hank announced to the woman at the counter that he had brought me there to see what life was for some Venezuelan women. We sat in the living room for a few minutes, chatting about nothing. As we stood up to leave she pointed to a closed door in the corner of the room and said that my high school principal was being entertained in there!

Class ended right there!

Monday, May 20, 2013


Thou shall not explain

Please Not Today

birds were singing couples holding hands
children were laughing in a playground of sand
mothers were watching them talking to each other
it was a day when everyone is a sister or brother

proud trees were green flowers watched sunny skis
there were bumble bees and yellow and orange butterflies
we all were having a wonderful time
when we heard a voice that caught us by surprise

it was not a voice from paradise
it whispered i am the prince of sin
i want you to kill the child within

suddenly everyone vanished away
i said to myself please not today
i heard something moving didn’t want to guess
squirrels don't slither through the springtime grass

i woke up i heard someone at my door
i was half awake as I crossed the floor
that voice pursued me cold as ice
kill that child even if he's nice

god in heaven i don’t want to despair
god in heaven help me conquer my fear
i opened the door there was no one there
